“Often the power of staying invested in building Network, is pushed aside, but the benefits are numerous as it can drive us Faster, Smarter and Better at our workplace dynamics and otherwise too. The fad about being ‘A Self-Made Man’ is what lesser-brained people can think about themselves and stay within their world of imagination…however each of us is because of hundreds of others who made us who we are.”
(Ekaterina Walter, Forbes.com, 2018)
There have been endless research materials which have been written down discussing the benefits of staying productive. But here’s the deal…believe it or not, we are an extension of monkeys who love get distracted and drift quickly into aimless direction and conversations leading nowhere by spending time on visiting social media, mobile apps over our smart hand-held devices and talking shop during business hours.
Now, this the Social Cognitive theory which discussed four vital processes related to the realization of goals through a series of variables on how productive people use behavioral, personal, and environmental factors to determine motivation and behavior (Crothers, Hughes, & Morine, 2008). Further, the characteristic of self-observation, self-evaluation, self-reaction and self-efficacy are interrelated components, each having an effect on motivation and goal attainment (Redmond, 2010).
Source:- (Anon, 2018)
Check out the following behaviors of people that are highly productive
- Energy & Physical Stamina
All productive people slog long hours to suggest that a minimum to 65 – 70 hours hour’s on an average or on a seven-day equation it translates to 10 to 12 hours per day requiring adequate endurance & strength. Stanford MBA Professor – Jeffery Pfeffer quotes of a study conducted by John Kotter, that to gain ‘Respect & Power’, the ability to work grueling hours cannot only kill the opposition, it would help you crossover those who may be better skilled or highly intelligent. Fact is it sets you us a ‘Trustworthy Role Model’ good enough to inspire others.
- Say No to Distraction’s
Find your space that is a quiet area in your work area and complete all the high priority / urgent tasks which need your attention by turning off phones on silent, locking your door, set a mental clock for each task and then prioritize with your actions. It is important to state that although tasks may look generic…hmmm….but general management is not general after all as core specializations bring up the expertise. Now then, if you are a “Morning Person” or an ‘Evening Person”…choose your clock, space and concentrate on narrower areas demanding relevant contribution and breeze through the tasks on hand.
- Stop Multi-tasking
Yes, I mean it, research has proven that those of us who end up performing numerous tasks with a day end up “being dumb and a bit stoned’, which impacts IQ levels by nearly 5 points each time Okay, so now here is the statistics to prove it multi-tasking on average can drop 15 points in Men and 10 points in Women….what does this mean ….Men are really bad at Multi-tasking …so by how many times ….three times …now that’s is no good news.
- No EGO at Workplaces
Ego can deter progress, so as they say ‘ swallow your pride and lose the battle instead of trying to wage and win a war’. Humans are warriors, so sometimes battling for a cause and getting stubborn to allow everybody share your perspective can remain acceptable, however, remember productive people work on developing alliances and the network of friendships to sail along.
- Gain Knowledge, Develop Thirst for learning
As per (Retig, 2011), productive people en-vision about themselves regards the skill sets and capabilities that would help don a better role in the near term and keep questioning ‘ how could I keep getting competitive and resourceful and quickly discover their personal and professional mission while de-cluttering the rest. So have a ‘growth- mindset’ , period.
- Outsourcing Mindless Tasks
As per (Tousley, 2018) this can be best explained through the circadian rhythms which control of our body clock …now choose to remain your optimum best always!!. What this suggests is when are ‘zoned in’ and ‘zoned-out’ during and between tasks.
- Two Mindsets – Treat each ‘Failure’ as a “Learning Opportunity”
Carol Dweck, a Ph. D-Psychologist observes that people can be classed into two categories -1] Fixed Mindset [ breeds Defeatist Mentality and 2] Growth-Mindset [ Constant Learner].