There are different kind of stress encountered among workers in an organization. These are generally categorized as Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. The primary kind of stress is caused within an organization which is dependent on the demand from others, controlled by others, relationships among employees, support is given by the managers, resistance to change, the environment in which the workers are performing work and the culture towards work. The secondary category deals with resilience factors, relaxation factors, managing time and coping up with stress which is related to the personal character. the tertiary factor involves treating the employee who is affected due to stress.
As prevention is better than cure necessary measures should be taken to prevent stress at work. The first step in this is the identification of factors that contribute to the stress. The next step involves analyzing the factors that can cause the stress and finding out the procedure for reducing it. The factors that cause hurt the feelings of the employee is the primary concern to be dealt. Once the solutions are reached it is necessary to monitor and review at regular intervals.
Being a management professional what action should be taken when facing issues with stress is of primary importance. For matters that don’t need interference avoiding the issue is the best option. Sometimes acting to solve issues through jokes that hurt the feeling of workers will make things worse. Instead of reacting towards the people the understanding of the problem is of importance in most cases. Discussing the issues with the superiors when things are going out of hand is also necessary to keep the stress under control.
Looking at the behavior of employees and noticing the changes will be helpful in identifying the issues from start. Listening to the complaints which are higher than the usual is a sign of stress at work. Thinking thoroughly and arriving at a decision about what should be discussed with whom and acting accordingly is essential is solving stress at workplace.
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