Master of Business Administration (Master Stage) – GLOS

Master of Business Administration,

Awarded by University of Gloucestershire, UK

Extended Diploma in International Business and Strategy,

Awarded by Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), UK

Certified Manager Programme,

Awarded by Chartered Management Institute (CMI), UK

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With the developing complexities in the management of businesses worldwide in the realm of Business, explore a world of opportunities and unlock the future with the MBA at Westford University College.


    About Masters of Business Administration – Master Stage (GLOS)

    Program Highlights

    Whether you have worked in the business for several years or are a specialist and wish to progress into a more senior management position, this course will provide you with an opportunity to work at a more fundamental level on the issues that matter in business. Alternatively, you may be a recent graduate keen to enhance your employment prospects. Whatever your level of experience, the MBA at Westford in partnership with the University of Gloucestershire offers a flexible study route and will allow you to refresh and enhance your management skills and knowledge.

    With this program, learners will investigate changing areas of strategy, leadership, and management theory and practice, and will be able to confidently apply this knowledge to practical organizational situations. The MBA course allows you to top up your existing postgraduate qualification, typically through six months of full-time study.

    The MBA – Master Stage is delivered in two parts. 

    Part One: Extended Diploma in International Business and Strategy

    The Extended Diploma in International Business Strategy is a Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Level 11 programme.

    It includes 6 modules which will be delivered in 6-7 months.

    Upon completion of Part One, learners will receive up to 120 credits.

    Module Name
    Accounting for Next Generation Leaders
    International Marketing Management
    Operations and Project Management
    Strategic Leadership and HR practices in an Organization
    Strategic Management
    Sustainability and Business

    Part Two: Dissertation

    The duration of the dissertation phase for this program is 6 months.

    Upon completion of the Dissertation, learners will receive up to 60 credits. 

    The dissertation by distance learning module consists of two elements: a research methods preparatory set of videos and the dissertation based on individual study. As part of the preparation for the full dissertation, students will be required to produce a detailed research proposal before progressing onto the dissertation element of the module.
    The Triple Certified MBA will be facilitated by renowned faculty with decades of experience in the domain. During the program, students will be exposed to industry-specific case studies, business simulations and extempore. All learners will have access to Westford E-library with 1000 journals, books, and online study material.
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      About University of Gloucestershire

      The University of Gloucestershire is a public university situated in Gloucestershire with a total of three campuses. The university gained its status in the year 2001, before which its roots can be traced back to the 19th century when two distinct strands of educational provisions in Gloucestershire merged to form the University of Gloucestershire, UK. 

      The university ranks in the top 100 universities of the UK in Guardian’s League Table 2021. Offering a range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD degrees, learners can choose to study subjects such as accounting and law, business management, computing, journalism, fine art, humanities, biology, geography, social science, education, and sports. Gloucestershire also offers two-year “fast-track” courses in subjects such as law and business.

      Why GLOS?

      About Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), UK

      Scottish Qualifications Authority Logo

      The Scottish Qualifications Authority – SQA, sponsored by the Scottish Government’s Learning Directorate, has two primary roles: accreditation and qualifications. It accredits credentials other than degrees and approves and guarantees quality to notify bodies that intend to admit individuals for such qualifications. The awarding body, on the other hand, refers to the development and implementation, validation, evaluation, qualifications, and ensuring that they are up to date and that certificates are issued to candidates. Under these functions, the SQA provides a variety of services for companies and training providers, from training courses and central approvals to personalized awards, credit scores, and licensing services.

      Why SQA?

      About Chartered Management Institute, UK

      The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) works with businesses and educational institutions to inspire people to become skilled, confident, and successful managers and leaders.
      Chartered Management Institute is the only chartered professional body dedicated to promoting the highest standards in management and leadership excellence.
      Over 100,000 managers use CMI’s unique services regularly. Organizations like Jaguar, Land Rover, Royal Bank of Scotland, Fujitsu, Allianz, Silverstone, Royal Air Force, London South Bank, and Royal College of Physicians amongst others use Chartered Management Institute certifications for certifying their professionals. 


      Why CMI?

      The MBA (Masters Stage) is a Triple Crown MBA program allowing students to attain three certifications from accredited awarding bodies in the UK. With this program, students will receive an Extended Diploma in International Business and Strategy from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), UK, an MBA from the University of Gloucestershire, UK, and a Certified Manager Programme certification awarded by CMI, UK.

      Interested in This Program? Secure your spot now.

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      Entry Requirements

      • A valid bachelor’s degree
      • In the absence of a bachelor’s degree applicant must have demonstrated at least 5 years of work experience.

      Online Learning Process

      Effective Work-Study-Life Balance
      Global Impact
      Faculty Mentors guiding you through your educational journey
      Access to online libraries and resources, anytime-anywhere

      Westford Advantage


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